Once again, the Georgia Science Teachers Association’s District 2 will host a workshop titled Experiential Learning and Inquiry for Physical Science Educators, also known as ELIPSE 2.0. The workshop is for all K-12 teachers of science on April 30, 2016. The day begins with Dr. Sarah Formica as the featured speaker with a short session on “The Interdisciplinary Approach to Science.” This is followed by 3 eighty minute sessions with 3 to 4 sessions in each time slot. The focus is on inquire, remote sensing, physics, and modeling chemistry. There will be an elementary, middle, and high school session featured during each time slot. We already have numerous classroom teachers, a retired physics teacher, UNG Physics Department Professors, and a Brenau University Science Education Professor committed to presenting. A delicious lunch will be provided. The closing session ends with a drawing for numerous door prizes including a drone as the grand prize.
Members and non-members are all welcome- the cost of registration is $10. Register at the GSTA website: http://georgiascienceteacher.org/event-2093910 Comments are closed.