Registration is now open for the Dodgen Middle School Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament on Saturday, January 20th, 2018. Please complete the registration form at the following link before November 9th: The invitational committee will send you an email by November 17th letting you know if your team is included in the invitational or on a waiting list. Last year spaces filled quickly.
The cost of the tournament is $75 per team and payment is due by December 8th, with no refunds given after that date. Please do not send payment until you receive a confirmation email. Your confirmation e-mail will include payment details as well as a link to the invitational website with the schedule and other tournament information. All 23 events will be run. To do this, experienced schools are asked to sign up for and run at least one event per team. This will include making the test and providing for all necessary supplies, tools, people, paper tests & key copies for teams, etc. needed to run the event. In some cases, Dodgen may be able to provide certain items that will be onerous to transport, microscopes and such come to mind. If you need help with equipment, chemicals or supplies, please contact Kathy Jacobson ([email protected]) by early December so that she can make sure to provide these. Comments are closed.