Cobb science teachers-- spend a day or two with us this summer getting acquainted with the new science standards and resources written for you by Cobb teachers. The Engage Cobb summer conference takes place June 13th, 14th, and 15th. Register here:
Elementary school teachers: Join us for half a day on either June 13th or 14th. Middle and high school teachers: Join us for the two-day deep dive on June 13th AND 14th to really dig into to the seven science and engineering practices incorporated into the new standards by doing lessons written by Cobb teachers. Or, if you can only join us for one day, you can participate in a shortened one day session on EITHER June 13th or 14th (repeated two days). This is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for the new standards roll-out in August-- we hope to see you there! Congratulations to Stephen Litt (Lovinggood) and Safi Ahmed (Dickerson) for their outstanding performances in the Georgia Science and Engineering Fair at UGA on March 30th – April 1st. For his project, “Does EGCG Stop Planarian Tumors? A Cancer Cure Pathway”, Stephen was awarded the Outstanding 7th Grade Project Award, a GSEF Best in Category Award, a First Honors Junior Division Award and two additional awards. His innovative project was also featured in the front page of the Marietta Daily Journal on Monday, March 10th.
Safi Ahmed’s project, “Heart Burn Remedy, REWARD: Instant Relief”, also won numerous awards including a First Honors Junior Division Award, a GSEF Best in Category Award, and an NABT Biology and Life Science Project Award. Each of these were outstanding projects! GPB Education will be live streaming from University of Georgia's Marine Education Center and Aquarium on Skidaway Island on May 10th at 10:00 a.m. Students will experience a virtual tour of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary and the UGA Aquarium. They will learn how Gray's Reef was formed, how the seafloor serves as a habitat, and how they can help protect the reef from major threats. Experienced divers and marine biology experts will be available to answer students’ questions. Teachers and students can use #GraysReefLive on Twitter to participate in the conversation. The live exploration will be available on demand after May 10th with supplemental classroom resources for grades K-12.
Teachers can learn more and sign up here: |