The Cobb County Science Department is excited to present on-demand professional learning filled with incredible learning experiences. Please click on the links below to access you professional learning options.
Session 1: AM Keynote Speaker: All Elementary, Middle and High School Science Teachers
3D Science in a Shared Synchronous World
Stephen Pruitt
8:10-9:00 AM
Stephen Pruitt, Ph.D. is President of the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). He previously served as the Kentucky Commissioner of Education. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Council for Chief State School Officers. Dr. Pruitt has been a high school chemistry teacher; mathematics program manager and director of academic standards at the Georgia Department of Education; and the senior vice president for Achieve where he coordinated the development of the Next Generation of Science Standards. He received his doctorate in chemistry education from Auburn University.
Session 2
AP Science Collaboration
In this live session, teachers will have an opportunity to collaborate and network with other teachers. Topics of discussion will include 3D Science, phenomenon, SSI framework successes, instructional pacing, assessments and best practices in science instruction for specific courses. Please bring materials that you will need to plan engaging science lessons.
Session 3: Speaker High School Session
3D Science and Planning Instructional Segments
Brett Moulding
10:10-11:00 AM
Brett Moulding is the director of the Partnership for Effective Science Teaching and Learning, a five-district professional development collaborative. He is co-author of A Vision and Plan for Science Teaching and Learning, a book providing educators with insights into classroom instruction consistent with NGSS and the Framework for K-12 Science Education. He was the Director of the Council of State Science Supervisors’ Building Capacity for State Science Education (BCSSE) initiative. He has provided professional development sessions on effective science teaching consistent with NGSS and Framework as well as professional consultation in over 20 states.
Lunch Break
11:00-12:00 PM
Session 4
TTIS Choice Sessions
12:10 - 1:00 PM
PowerPoint for Your Science Classroom (3-12)
Pulling it all together with Class OneNote (K-12)
Discovery Education and More!
The Wonders of Flipgrid
Session 5
High School Choice Sessions
Session 6: Speaker
3D Science in the Digital World
Zoe Evans
2:10- 3:00 PM
Mrs. Evans is the Principal at Bowden High School in In 2005, she was named the Georgia recipient of the Presidential Award of Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. She has served as a member of the Georgia Department of Education Science Frameworks writing team, which created instructional models designed to help guide Georgia teachers in the implementation of the Georgia Performance Standards and is a member of the Georgia Science Education Advisory Committee. Additionally, she served as a member of the writing team for the Next Generation Science Education Standards.
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
On Demand Sessions
On-Demand Keynote
Generation Z, Unfiltered
Andrew McPeak
Generation Z, those born since 2001, have grown up in a world the likes of which we haven't seen in generations. Smart phones and social media, mass shootings and rising anxiety levels, recessions and even a pandemic have all shaped their reality beginning in their earliest years. So, who are these kids? and how do you even begin to lead a generation has lived through this much? Using timely advice from "Generation Z Unfiltered," the latest book from Tim Elmore and Andrew McPeak, this session will provide insight into the generation of kids we lead today and provide practical tips on how to lead them well.
Before the surge of a global pandemic changed all of our lives, Generation Z was already facing a crisis of mental health, a lack of social and emotional skills, and a paralyzed perspective on their future. In 2020, things have only gotten more complicated. That's why today's "Pandemic Population" needs a new kind of leader: You. In this session, we will outline the needs of today's population and furnish eight strategies that can help them find their best self on the other side of COVID-19.
Presenter Bio: Andrew is a sought-after millennial communicator who brings a unique generational perspective to audiences. He is the co-author of Dr. Tim Elmore’s latest book Generation Z Unfiltered and he has shared insights from this resource with educators, coaches and business leaders around the country. Along with co-authoring Marching Off the Map, Andrew also co-hosts the Leading the Next Generation with Tim Elmore podcast.
Andrew also serves as the Vice President of Content at Growing Leaders where he and his team work closely with schools, universities and sports teams on effectively implementing Habitudes as a tool to teach life and leadership skills.
Before the surge of a global pandemic changed all of our lives, Generation Z was already facing a crisis of mental health, a lack of social and emotional skills, and a paralyzed perspective on their future. In 2020, things have only gotten more complicated. That's why today's "Pandemic Population" needs a new kind of leader: You. In this session, we will outline the needs of today's population and furnish eight strategies that can help them find their best self on the other side of COVID-19.
Presenter Bio: Andrew is a sought-after millennial communicator who brings a unique generational perspective to audiences. He is the co-author of Dr. Tim Elmore’s latest book Generation Z Unfiltered and he has shared insights from this resource with educators, coaches and business leaders around the country. Along with co-authoring Marching Off the Map, Andrew also co-hosts the Leading the Next Generation with Tim Elmore podcast.
Andrew also serves as the Vice President of Content at Growing Leaders where he and his team work closely with schools, universities and sports teams on effectively implementing Habitudes as a tool to teach life and leadership skills.
Scaffolding ESL Strategies for Science
Camelle Simmons
ESl Scaffolding for Science
Cobb County School District (CCSD) ESOL Program mission is to help ensure the English language development and academic success of English Learners (ELs).
The ESOL Program aims to work with all teachers at all grade levels and administrators of ELs to provide high-quality instructional programs designed to develop proficiency in English, while meeting challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards.
Cobb County School District (CCSD) ESOL Program mission is to help ensure the English language development and academic success of English Learners (ELs).
The ESOL Program aims to work with all teachers at all grade levels and administrators of ELs to provide high-quality instructional programs designed to develop proficiency in English, while meeting challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards.